Thursday, November 8, 2007

mmm...thought I would just...

Okay so it is just over two months since I wrote something. Mind you it aint like I didn’t have anything good or controversial to say it is just that with all the things that are currently happening in my life I am finding it difficult to stop and breathe. Mind you the things that are happening are good, exciting, new, better than ever although they are taking up to much of my time as well as energy.

On the work, front things finally happened and are in my new position. Yippee for me. I worked hard to get to where I am in this moment and am gonna enjoy every little, tiny tiny bit of it until that hunger to do more starts again. Family life is also pretty amazing, I find that my relationship with my parents has changed drastically over the past couple of months and the change has been for the better. Relationship wise, well well well. I’m happy. Don’t get me wrong this is not your average kinda happiness, this kind is the long lasting, wake up in the morning and feel good kinda happiness that makes you have an awesome day regardless of what other people say. I’ve found that to be happy in any relationship you need to be happy with yourself first.

Don’t quite know what to write about today, just felt like writing something so that people would know that I am still alive, busy, but alive and living life to the fullest. I find myself changing; the things that I want out of life are changing. I am no longer the girl I used to be when I started this blog and although some of it has been captured on the “evolution of being” much more has been experienced with friends and loved ones.

I am going to make an effort to write more often…not too sure where I will get the time to do all that but hey I can do anything I set my mind to.

I’m outtie for now, back to work and preparing for tomorrow.


Ms Porcelain said...

Hello stranger...

I thought you had given up on this blogging business.

Good to have you back and congratulations on your new position at work.

Ms Porcelain said...

Hello stranger...

I thought you had given up on this blogging business.

Good to have you back and congratulations on your new position at work.

Ms Porcelain said...
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Ms Porcelain said...

sorry for triple posting OOPS