Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mr. Right vs. Mr. Right Now

So the question of the evening is how do you know when you've met the person you will be spending the rest of your life with. The movies go on about that feeling that all of a sudden overcomes you whilst on the other hand people tell you that only happens in the movies.

Watched something recently and have only come to the realisation that we constantly search for Mr. Right and he is know where to be found we then turn around and compplain about there being no more good men out there when back at the ranch perhaps it was not the right time. So as of now I am no longer looking for my perfect Mr. Right but rather for my Mr. Right Now coz when I am ready and my time comes I know that so will he. You can only really appreciate the good once you know what the bad is all about so perhaps it is time we all stopped questioning and started appreciating as well as learn to be more patient.

There is a reason that Mr. Right has not popped on by and perhaps at a later stage someone you may already have met or know will then become you Mr. Right Now...

This blog is a bit random I know but can't put everything into words at the moment and perhaps in due course this will all make more sense

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